Hi everybody!
This blogpost will be in my native language danish, and in english for my english readers. I will write it in danish, since the product I will review was sent to my by the danish Vichy-facebook site. I was lucky enough to win a competition ("be the 1000 to join"-comptetition) and recieved their new product: Liftactiv Serum 10 Eyes & Lashes samples in the mail about a week ago. So I'm super excited to try it!
Det her blog-indlæg bliver både på dansk, og på engelsk for mine engelske læsere. Det bliver på dansk fordi jeg blev tilsendt produktet fra den danske Vichy-facebook side. Jeg var heldig nok til at vinde en konkurrence fra Vichy ("vær en af de første 1000"-konkurrence) og modtog deres nye product: Liftactiv Serum 10 Eyes & Lashes tester i posten for omkring en uge siden. Så nu er jeg super spændt på at prøve det!
I've got to be honest, I never tried any product from Vichy before, but I've known their brand for quite some time. It seems to be a simple brand, and I really like that. Clean and simple!
I wasn't really informed that I had won anything at all, so I quite a surprised when I got this in the mail. Yay, gifts for me!
Ærlig talt, så har jeg aldrig prøvet et Vichy-produkt før, men jeg har kendt til deres mærke i nogen tid nu. Det virker som et simpelt mærke, og det kan jeg lide. Rent og enkelt!
Jeg blev ikke rigtig informeret om at jeg havde vundet noget som helst, så jeg blev rimelig overrasket da jeg modtog den i posten. Yay, gaver til mig!
(It was not ruined in the post. I had already ripped it open when the picture was taken. Pakken var ikke i stykker i posten, jeg har selv revet pakken itu før jeg tog billedet.)
1 x Liftactiv Serum 10 Eyes & Lashes sample and a little brochure
Inside the brochure are two more samples of two different products!
Closeup so you can read.
English translation:
Vichy Liftactiv Serum 10 Eyes & Lashes
Suitable for: Women with obvious wrinkles and lack of tight skin around the eyes.
Effectivity: Transforms and opens the glance to the very outer eyelash-tip.
Has the powerful anti-age ingredients rhamnose and ceramides for an instant brightening effect.
Tolerance: With strenghtening and calming thermal spring water from Vichy.
Suitable for: Women with obvious wrinkles and lack of tight skin around the eyes.
Effectivity: Transforms and opens the glance to the very outer eyelash-tip.
Has the powerful anti-age ingredients rhamnose and ceramides for an instant brightening effect.
Tolerance: With strenghtening and calming thermal spring water from Vichy.
Tested under dermatological and ophthalmological control on sensitive eye-areas and on contact lens-users.
Without parabens or perfume.
Without parabens or perfume.
Enjoyment: ultra-light serum consistency.
How to use: Morning and evening on cleansed skin and on your eyelashes.
Ideal primer before make-up.
Ideal primer before make-up.
Both pictures say the same, it's just the different sizes of their product. (I am not sure about the ml size though.)
I've tried their sample for almost 10 days now. I am quite happy with the results!
Jeg har prøvet deres tester i næsten 10 dage nu, og jeg er rigtig glad for resultaterne!
#1:Super smooth light texture that lasts throughout the day! When I felt my the skin around my during the day it would just as soft as if I had just applied the serum.
Super glat og let tekstur som holder ved hele dagen! Når jeg mærkede huden omkring mit øje var det lige så blødt som havde jeg lige lagt min serum.
#2: No parabens or perfume, that's always a plus.
Ingen parabener og parfume, det er altid et plus.
#3: For sensitive eyes! I don't have sensitive eyes myself, but for me it's still a plus, as I love my eyes.
For sensitive øjne! Jeg har ikke selv sarte øjne, men for mig er det stadig et plus fordi jeg elsker mine øjne.
#4: Result! I don't have heavy wrinkles (or wrinkles at all) but I do have fine liners under my eyes and they were reduced after a couple of days using it only (usually products would take 3-4 weeks to work properly). Big clap to Vichy!
Resultat! Jeg har ikke tydelige rynker (eller rynker overhovedet) men jeg har fine linjer under øjnene, og de blev reduceret efter kun et par dage (normalt tager et produkt 3-4 uger om at virke 100%). Stort klap til Vichy og mange tak for produktet!
Would I purchase (and perhaps repurchase) this product then?
I would indeed!
5/5 stars!
Ville jeg købe Vichy's Liftactiv Serum 10 Eyes & Lashes?
Helt sikkert!
5/5 stjerner!
That's all for this review. See you next time!
***This is NOT a sponsored post, but my own opinion***