onsdag den 30. oktober 2013

Halloween Costume - "Nerd"


Halloween is just around the corner (okay, it's tomorrow).
I do not celebrate halloween in my country, hence I don't buy costumes, dress up, etc. 
But, I still decided to do just one, simple and easy no-need-to-buy-extras costume. 

So go from your daily you (which in today's case was boring. Forgive me!)

To a "nerd": 

*Mind* control. Reading the dictionary!

The reason why I am putting " around "nerd" is because I don't want to offend anyone. When I say "nerd" we all kind of think of typical American movies where they show this ultra'nerdy' boy/girl with huge, brokren glasses, brace, pimples, "nerdy" clothes and hair tucked back with wax. The imagine of a hardworking but boring student, who has books on their mind. NOTHING is wrong with that, it's just a parody of those typical movies. Nothing is wrong with having pimples (I do have that), brace (used to have that), some specific clothes, have your hair a certain way, or love books. It's okay to be you. Make sure to have a fun and safe time on halloween! 

I put dark blue and brown shadow under my eyes to give them that "I studied all night long"-look, plus red eyeshadow in the corners for a seeming red eye from all the reading. I added red 'pimples', a mesy eyebrow look (because a "nerd" wouldn't pluck their brows) and split my hairline in half right in the middle, and pulled it back in a ponytail. Don't forget the nerdy glasses! 
Those glasses are my actual glasses, because I'm as blind as a bat with minus 2.50 in both eyes. I also wore some "innocent" and unflattering clothes. "Nerds" don't show cleavage, wheather they have one or not! (It's a 'not' in my case...)

Have a happy Halloween tomorrow! ~

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